Before Graduation Lists
The classic paradox of college life is this: At your fingertips are more events per month, per square mile than perhaps you’ll ever experience again in your life. And that’s just what’s available to you on campus. The problem is, you’re also constantly stressed out and convinced you have no time for anything but studying. The true irony of this paradox comes when you realize that for as much time as you end up studying, your greatest memories from college are never formed in the library.
That’s why lately we’ve been sharing Unbucket with different colleges communities. We believe every student should keep a “Before Graduation” list: A list of all the things you want to do before graduation with your of closest friends. No student should step off the commencement stage sighing, “I wish I had done…”
The idea is starting to spread.
Over the past couple months we’ve been getting great coverage in college newspapers and we wanted to share a couple of our favorites here:
Boise State University: What do you want to do before graduation?
Washington State University: Unbucket Now Available to WSU Students
San Diego State University: Unbucket helps plan adventures with friends
University of Utah: Unbucket app links users’ experiences to life goals
University of Florida: ‘Bucket lists’ trending among college students, online
Michigan State University: Bucket list website connects users
Texas A&M: Web app, help students share lists and experiences
For fun, we asked one of our co-founders, Elliot Darvick, to share a couple items off his own “Before Graduation” list from his days at Wash. U. in St. Louis.
Item #7: Go to at least 20 concerts on campus
I wish this number had been more like 50. I definitely saw more than 20 show thoughs, including an awesome Ben Folds concert (I made a website for the promoters to get backstage passes #alwayshustlin)
Item #19: Go camping in the Missouri countryside
The Missouri state park system was full of amazing parks and Wash. U. had a great camping gear rental program. I went numerous times with my friend Seth (seen below conducting sunset).
Item #42: Watch a game at the new Busch Stadium
My last year at school the St. Louis Cardinals opened up a new stadium and I was determined to see at least one game there. In case you were wondering, yes, everyone wears red.
What is/was on your Before Graduation list? Let us know in the comments!